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Membership in the Army Nurse Corps z. s. living history group is voluntary and based on friendly relations and mutual respect.

The group may be joined by women who believe that our activities coincide with their interests. At the beginning, however, you should read some basic information about how the group works:

  1. Your place of residence does not matter, however, most of our events take place in Poland and Czech Republic – at the moment we associate girls from all over these two countries, Slovakia, Belgium and France.

  2. The minimum age is 15 years. For persons under the age of 18, the written consent of their legal guardian is required.

  3. The probation begins after the first joint meeting and lasts 1 year.

  4. During the trial period, the candidate begins completing the basic uniforms and equipment (specified below).

  5. After successfully completing the trial period, the recruit can submit an application to join the association as a member.

  6. Monthly fees are collected in the group. The costs of travel, accommodation, uniforms and equipment are covered by each member and recruit.

  7. Medical knowledge and / or education is not required.

  8. Each member and recruit should get involved in the life of the group as much as possible: come to the meetings, prepare for the displays, be active on social media.

  9. It should be noted that the historical reenactment does not end with buying the required minimum of uniforms and equipment. It is a long process of constantly acquiring new items and, above all, knowledge.

Army Nurse Corps Recruits Drill.jpg

What will you experience with us?



You will become part of an international sisterhood united by a common passion - love for history, American culture and vintage style. Together we will share the hardships of long marches and cold nights spent in a tent. You can always count on our help in searching for historical sources, doing 1940s hairstyles, shopping abroad, getting to our meetings. We also keep in touch in private life.


Back to the Past

Sleeping in a tent, eating your meals from a mess kit, washing yourself in a helmet are our daily routine. All this to authentically present the conditions in which nurses often lived during the war. If girls our age dealt with them more than 70 years ago, so can we. It should be remembered that we do not have to worry about our life or health, and after an event, we return to warm homes with a bed and a shower. They did not have such a possibility.



Our main task as an association is to share the knowledge about Army Nurse Corps with a wide audience. For this purpose, we take part in public reenactment events, organize lectures and exhibitions, and maintain accounts on social media. Talking to visitors is an integral part of our hobby and you will certainly have many opportunities to share stories or talk about uniforms you are wearing. Thanks to this, the memory of these brave women will not be forgotten.


Trips Abroad

One of the forms of our activity are trips abroad to places related to World War II. We participate in anniversary celebrations of, for example, the Normandy landings or the Battle of the Ardennes. We also visited Italy, Germany, Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic in the past. The purpose of the trips is not only to see historical battlefields with your own eyes, but also to meet veterans, visit cemeteries and museums, and get to know new reenactors.


You Are In The Army Now

During our meetings, you will learn the U.S. Army drill, how to use a gas mask, map and compass. Night hikes, swimming, obstacle courses and tent pitching await you. You will be given WWII weapons and learn how to shoot them. You will take part in many lectures on the Army Nurse Corps history, uniforms, equipment, hairstyles and makeup. You will certainly drive more than once in legendary American vehicles such as GMC, Dodge or Jeep Willys. You will also learn some basic nursing skills.


Fun to the Rhythms of Glenn Miller

Reenacting in our ranks is not only duties and field life. There are also many opportunities to have fun. We regularly participate in 1940s dance parties with live music and other social events. Perfect occasions to put on your service uniform and red lipstick.

How to join us?

The first step is to read the contents of our website and fill in the contact form in the "Contact" section. You can also send us a private message on our Facebook profile: Army Nurse Corps in WWII. In the message you should introduce yourself, tell about your interests and previous experience with historical reenactment. It is also worth mentioning why you want to join our group.


The candidate will then be contacted by a member of the group to discuss any issues. She will be given instructions on where to start and notified of our next event. This is an opportunity to get to know each other, talk, and see what historical reenactment looks like "behind the scenes". At the beginning we provide assistance with uniforms and equipment, until the recruit purchases the required minimum.

After the first meeting a candidate decides whether she wants to stay in the group. If she likes the form of our activity and wants to continue – she receives the status of a recruit. At that point the candidate can start collecting the uniforms, equipment, expanding her knowledge and has the right to participate in all events of the group.

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Pierwszym krokiem jest zapoznanie się z zawartością naszej strony internetowej oraz odesłanie formularza kontaktowego w dziale „Kontakt” lub napisanie wiadomości prywatnej na naszym profilu na Facebooku: Army Nurse Corps in WWII. W wiadomości należy przedstawić się, opowiedzieć o swoich zainteresowaniach i dotychczasowych doświadczeniach z rekonstrukcją historyczną. Warto również wspomnieć dlaczego chce się dołączyć do grupy.

Z kandydatką następnie skontaktuje się jedna z członkiń grupy w celu omówienia wszelkich zagadnień. Kandydatka otrzyma instrukcje od czego zacząć oraz zostanie powiadomiona o następnym wydarzeniu z naszym udziałem. Jest to okazja do poznania się, rozmowy oraz zobaczenia jak wygląda rekonstrukcja historyczna „od kuchni”. Na początku zapewniamy pomoc w kwestii umundurowania i wyposażenia, do czasu aż rekrutka nie uzbiera wymaganego minimum.

Po pierwszym spotkaniu kandydatka decyduje, czy chce pozostać w grupie. Jeśli podoba jej się forma naszej działalności i chce działać dalej – otrzymuje status rekrutki. Od tej pory kandydatka kompletuje umundurowanie, wyposażenie, poszerza swoją wiedzę i ma prawo do udziału we wszelkich wydarzeniach z udziałem naszej grupy.

Minimum Uniform & Equipment Requirements

The minimum uniform requirements can be considered in two categories: a service uniform and a field uniform. In the case of the service uniform, we prefer original clothes. Field uniform is divided into summer and winter. Here reproductions are allowed. We use original equipment due to high availability, durability and reasonable prices. New recruits can count on our assistance in shopping.

Service Uniform:

  • Women's Officers' OD Service Jacket

  • Women's Officers' OD Service Skirt

  • Army Nurse Corps OD Service Cap (firstly) & Women's OD Garrison Cap (secondly)

  • Women's Cotton Waist (Khaki)

  • Khaki Necktie

  • Women's Low Service Shoes

  • Beige Seamed Stockings

  • 2x 2nd Lieutenant Rank Insignia

  • 2x Army Nurse Corps Insignia

  • 2x Officers' U.S. Collar Insignia

Summer Field Uniform:

  • Special Women's Herringbone Twill Shirt

  • Special Women's Herringbone Twill Trousers

  • Olive Drab Field Jacket (M-1941) / Winter Combat Jacket (Tanker Jacket)

  • Women's Field Shoes

  • Women's Canvas Leggings / M-1938 Dismounted Leggings

  • M1 Helmet w/ Liner

  • 3x 2nd Lieutenant Rank Insignia

  • 1x Army Nurse Corps Insignia

Winter Field Uniform:

  • Women's Wool Waist / Men's M-37 OD Wool Shirt

  • Women's M-43 Field Jacket

  • Women's M-43 Outer Cover Trousers / Women's Wool Liner Trousers / Men's Wool Trousers (1937/1943)

  • M1 Helmet w/ Liner

  • 3x 2nd Lieutenant Rank Insignia

  • 1x Army Nurse Corps Insignia

  • Women's Field Shoes can be exchanged for Women's / Men's Combat Service Boots*


  • M-1936 Pistol Belt

  • M-1936 Suspenders

  • Canteen, Cup and Canvas Canteen Cover (M-1910 / M-1942)

  • M-1942 First Aid Pouch

  • M-36 Field Canvas Bag (Musette Bag)

  • M-1932 / M-1942 Meat Can w/ Utensils (Fork, Spoon, Knife)

  • M-6 Gas Mask Bag

© 2025 Army Nurse Corps z. s.

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